
Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 4

Summer Learning Journey Day 4
Day 4: Perms and Lycra (The 1980’s)

Activity 1: Hairy Maclary

One of the most famous children’s stories to ever come out of New Zealand, Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy, was written by a kiwi woman named Lynley Dodd. The book was originally published in 1983. It is now sold in dozens of countries around the world. It features a small dog named Hairy.

On your blog, use the following sentence starter from the original book to finish the story.

“Out of the gate and off for a walk went Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy…”

To earn full points, your story should have, at least, 8-10 sentences.

Went and found a owner and stayed with that owner, then he ran way again to find is actually owner and then the real owner and printing off a paper saying "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS PUPPY, IF YOU HAVE PLEASE CALL 02238456 AND YOU WILL WIN A PRIZE."

Activity 2: The Big ‘OE’

In the 1980s it became increasingly common for students to graduate from high school and take a year off to travel and experience the world. This year was often referred to as the ‘Big OE’ or ‘Big Overseas Experience.’ A number of kiwis headed to places like Australia and England to live and work before returning to New Zealand to finish their studies.

Imagine that you are a student in the 1980s and you’re about to graduate from high school. Where would you like to go on your big OE? On your blog tell us which country you would visit and give us three (3) reasons for your choice. Find some pictures on the internet of things that you would like to see and do in this country.
The things that i would like to see and do in this country is go to rainbow ends.
Image result for rainbow ends

I’d love to go to Switzerland and spend lots of time in the mountains, learning how to ski!

Bonus Activity: The 4 O’Clock News
In 1982, Te Karere, a Māori-language news show premiered on television. It has continued to stream live on TV to this day. If you would like to watch it, turn on TV One at 3:55 p.m. each weekday and you will see it. The show is often hosted by a man named Scotty Morrison.

Imagine that you were Scotty Morrison and you were able to interview anyone you wanted. I would choose to interview our new prime minister, Jacinda Ardern. I’d love to know what it is like to be the Prime Minister.  What about you? Who would you choose to interview and why? What would you like to find out?
Yes, I would like to interview with the Prime Minister because I like to ask them how does it feel to be proud of yourself to be a Prime Minister.

What I like to find out is that how do you become a Prime Minister because one day I want to be a Prime Minister.


  1. Hi there Helena, thank you for completing the Hairy Maclary story. I've enjoyed reading how he found an owner to live with. Perhaps you could write a few sentences about this owner. What does he/she look like, what kind of person is he/she, what kind of owner is he/she, how did he/she treat Hairy Maclary? Going into a bit of detail here would help paint a clearer picture in the reader's mind.

    Thanks, can't wait to hear a bit more.


  2. Kia Ora Helena,

    Well done for completing another set of activities! For Activity 2: The big 'OE', you're asked to talk about a place that you would like to go to for your big 'OE' (Overseas Experience). I like how you've mentioned that you would like to go to Rainbows End; that is quite a fun place! I remember going there a few years ago with a friend and having the best time, particularly on the go-kart track.
    If you could think of any other place to go to that's outside of New Zealand, where would you go?
    I would like to go to South America :)

    Bonus Activity: The 4 O'clock News.
    Thanks for completing this activity, Helena. I'm pleased to see that you would like to interview our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern. She's incredible! I can only imagine that she would be very proud of herself, although she strikes me as a humble person, which only makes her even more inspiring! Maybe you can become our 4th female Prime Minister one day?
    I sure look forward to it :)
    What would you do if you were Prime Minister?

    Keep up the great mahi.




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