
Saturday, 6 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey Day 5

Summer Learning Journey Day 5
Day 5: Looking into the Future

Activity 1: Your Future Self
It may be hard to imagine, but one day you will graduate from high school and it will be time to decide what to do next. You may want to study at university, become an apprentice, go to training college, travel, or start working. There are so many options!

Take a minute to think about your future. What would you like to do when you finish school? Go and travel somewhere.
Would you like to work in a specific job?No
Would you like to study at university?Yes
What would you study?Yes
Maybe you’d even like to move overseas. Share your thoughts and ideas on your blog site. There are no wrong answers!

Activity 2: Flying Cars
Let’s imagine that you’ve just learned to drive, and your family has decided to buy you a brand new car. You are allowed to choose from any of the following designs:

Red-Cadillac-750x443.jpghummer.pngflying car (2).jpg

On your blog please tell us which of the three cars you would choose and why.
I would choose the black one because I like does kind of cars and I like how the car is every rich and big wild windows.

Bonus Activity: Blade Runner 2049
blade runner.jpg
There is a new movie out in cinemas at the moment called Blade Runner 2049.

It is a movie about what the world will be like in the future. Imagine that you able to travel through time and that you can see what the world will look like in 2099.

On your blog write a description of what New Zealand will be like at that time (80 – 90 years from now). What kind of houses will people live in? 2 or 3 story houses.
What will they eat? Bread and eggs
Where will they work? At the shops

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Helena, thanks for sharing a few ideas about what you expect the future to be like. To get the full points, we would like you to write three or four sentences describing what the future might be like. So you could talk about technology, transport, jobs, food, people, fashion. There's lots you could write about.

    Thanks, I look forward to hearing more of your ideas.

    Billy :)


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