
Saturday, 30 June 2018

Electrical Circuit By Helena

Electrical Circuit By Helena
Today I have been busy doing Beni and Opi's movie. Why?, because today was a day we have to show the whole school what we have been learning about. So Beni and Opi's movie was about electricity, electricity is what we have been learning through term 2. They were talking about what they used to come up with electricity. Here is the movie I have created for these two boys.

Thank You For Watching!!!
I Hoped you Enjoyed the Movie!!!

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Cooking with Helena

Cooking with Helena
Step 1 -  Dice the onion
Step 2 - Fry the onion until it's soft
Add the mince and cook until brown
Add bake beans, sauce, cheese
Serve with chips
Step 3 - Clean up

Today we were cooking Nacho, cooking nacho was so awesome. Why?, because we get to it eat with chips and dip it inside the sauce. The hardest part of cooking was the onion, when I was putting the onion inside the pan it was popping everywhere and I thought that it might hurt me so I passed the pan to my partner who is Mary Ruth.
Thank you for cooking with Helena